Am up to step 6, though the chorizo is still separate (I'm draining the chorizo on paper towels--used non-dried chorizo). Should I hold it this...

...way overnight and add the browned chorizo plus pour the broth/egg mix tomorrow? Or just toss it all together in baking dish now ready for baking tomorrow

  • Posted by: creamtea
  • November 23, 2011


creamtea November 23, 2011
And it smells amazing even before baking....
creamtea November 23, 2011
thanks! I did end up tossing it all together and putting in containers since I have no room right now for a large baking dish in the fridge. It's the best I can do; and it seems like a forgiving recipe.
melissav November 23, 2011
I toss it all together in the baking dish; that way the broth and egg get to soak into the bread.
Kristy M. November 23, 2011
I would hold off and go with your first instinct. Better to be safe.
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