
Cover Chocolate with Sprinkles, Call it a Homemade Gift

February  9, 2016

Although my pink phase should very well be over, I am still attracted to all things shiny and colorful.

Chocolates hidden under a pile of bright sprinkles are always welcome in my book, and Valentine's Day (or a sophisticated tea time) is perfect excuse to make them.

“Nonpareils,” which translates from French to “incomparables,” not only look sweet, but they’re also simple to make. Did I mention they’re also quite impressive when accompanied by a nonchalant tag that says “homemade”?

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Seriously, that chocolate bar at the back of your pantry? It has “nonpareils” written all over it. And you’ll never even think of giving a gift of Smarties ever again.

Draw nickle-sized circles on a sheet of parchment paper and flip the paper over.

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“The ingredients list coconut oil but the directions say to melt chocolate with coconut milk. ”
— BK

Break the chocolate into pieces, then melt it with the coconut oil in a bain-marie (hot water bath).

Photo by Scarlett Gaus

Transfer it to a piping bag with a small, round nozzle or put it in a disposable bag and snip the corner.

Photo by Scarlett Gaus

Draw circles with the melted chocolate, filling in the circles from the inside out in a circular motion.

Photo by Scarlett Gaus

Let cool and harden for a minute or two, then cover in sprinkles.

Photo by Scarlett Gaus

Chill in a cool place, then carefully remove the buttons from the parchment. Serve with tea.

Photo by Scarlett Gaus

Are you giving a homemade gift for Valentine's Day? Tell us what you're making in the comments below!

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My name is Scarlett and I live in Zurich, Switzerland (really one of the best places ever). My professional life takes place in Advertising Marketing. Five years ago, I started the blog Fork and Flower. Hundreds of recipe—from salads to desserts and back—later, I found a balance between my “proper” (read: paid) job in marketing and my passion: cooking, entertaining, styling dishes, taking pictures, and blogging. F&F has become my primary source of Inspiration and creative outlet alike.


Lauren February 11, 2016
Needed an easy V-day recipe and this is perfect!
Reina V. February 11, 2016
I dont seem to have those circle type sprinkles (I have those longer ones). Should it still be okay? Thanks!
Liz February 11, 2016
Down here in the Antipodes we call them "freckles". They used to be 3 for 1c. We'd buy a few before school and suck the chocolate off of them and nibble on the sprinkles for most of the morning while sitting in class.
Ah, remember the good old days when you walked to school unaccompanied and thought you were wealthy when you had 5c.
Lauren February 10, 2016
You mentioned that the coconut oil works similarly to shortening in this recipe - could I use shortening instead of the oil? I'm allergic to coconut, unfortunately. Thanks!
Scarlett February 10, 2016
Hi Lauren, if you're allergic to coconut I'd just omit it. I made chocolate buttons sans anything and it turns out just fine, as well.
HalfPint February 10, 2016
Why the shortening or coconut oil? Is it to make it shiny and softer? Just wondering.
BK February 9, 2016
This looks like a fun and easy project! Just to clarify..the coconut product is supposed to be oil and not milk, is that correct? The ingredients list coconut oil but the directions say to melt chocolate with coconut milk.
Katie February 10, 2016
99% sure it's supposed to be oil, since it functions like shortening would. I would also suggest using refined since it has a neutral taste, but if you want a hint of coconut go with unrefined/virgin! :)
BK February 10, 2016
Thanks, Katie. That's what I suspected!
Scarlett February 10, 2016
Hi, BK and Katie,
yes, it's supposed to say coconut OIL! I'm looking into it.
Christine L. February 9, 2016
Coconut oil or coconut milk?
Thank you!
Scarlett February 10, 2016
sorry, Christine, and thank you for pointing it out.
Leandra February 9, 2016
Nonpareils are SO UNDERRATED!! All time favorite movie snack! And while I have an odd affinity (obsession) with the stale, oddly flavored pick & mix movie theater variety, I bet these are way better.
Scarlett February 10, 2016
I know, right, Leandra? I think they look cute AND taste good! Better than popcorn :)