
What a day in the Test Kitchen!

March 13, 2012


Like every Tuesday, we spent today in the test kitchen preparing all kinds of sweets and savories to share on the site. You'll see those soon enough, but meanwhile here are today's Instagram shots. As you'll see, it was a busy day!

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Jennifer studies up a recipe while our intern Dana carefully slices into some cheese, and our fantastic photographer James Ransom goes to any height to get the right photograph.

A bowl full of gorgeous veg awaits its delicious fate -- the shallots even end up in the mise en place for a recipe.

Our associate editor Kristy is very, very precise about how she aligns her basil. Meanwhile, though this is from a few days ago, our senior editor Kristen thinks spinning salad greens is hilarious!

And to finish, some plain old beautiful ingredients: a pile of bread and a halved Meyer lemon. Til next Tuesday!

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  • EmilyC
  • susan g
    susan g
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


EmilyC March 14, 2012
Thanks for sharing! Great pics! Just out of curiosity, do you do all of your testing for a given contest on the same Tuesday (two finalists + Food52 tested and photoed CPs) or do you spread them out over two Tuesdays?
susan G. March 14, 2012
I love taking a peek behind the photos, and into your heads!