Seems like it should be easy to convert these to gluten free corn zeppoles. Nonetheless, I welcome tips, suggestions. Does any particular flour bl...

...end come to mind (cornstarch, rice, sorghum, etc.?

  • Posted by: Twiga
  • December 10, 2011
  • 1 Comment
Corn Zeppole
Recipe question for: Corn Zeppole

1 Comment

beyondcelery December 11, 2011
For this particular recipe, I'd replace the all-purpose flour with: 100g tapioca starch, 100g sweet rice flour, 50g millet flour, 50g sorghum flour. The millet will add some bright yellow color to the batter and its flavor goes well with corn. You want your starch here to be 1/3 of the total flour replacement because that will help it all hold together as they fry.

This is a total guess on my part, but it's what I'd do for my first attempt if it were me. Let us know how it turns out!
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