A question about a recipe: Shrimp à la Bittman

If serving these for dinner tonight, what would you serve with them? This would just be for family, including a hungry college student. Figure on prep for the whole meal taking 45 - 60 minutes, with limited advance prep possible, though not guaranteed. And no chili pepper, paprika, bell pepper or their relatives are invited. I'm running out during my lunch break to pick up whatever ingredients I need. Thanks, everyone. ;o)

Shrimp à la Bittman
Recipe question for: Shrimp à la Bittman


bugbitten May 30, 2012
AJ, I failed to mention another experience: If you use the microplane for nutmeg, wash it really well, or else you will attract mice from all the neighboring counties and states to the tool drawer!
bugbitten May 30, 2012
Y'know, I don't remember this photo going along with this original question, Chef AJ. If I could put a plate on the table that looked like that one, I would quit right there, or at least soon.

I don't think the microplane is so hot for zesting. I like it for nutmeg, though. I don't think that the techniques that you're using have been bettered by any of the new technologies. Love hearingr a question from you
AntoniaJames May 30, 2012
I really like the microplane for nutmeg, too! And I do use it for citrus, but not all the time. ;o)
AntoniaJames May 30, 2012
I have a nice zester that's not a microplane that pulls off five or six threads at a time. If I don't have one of those (such as when at a ski rental or in some other under-equipped kitchen), I use a paring knife to pull off larger strips, which I thin cut into thin strips. Either way, I then cut the zest into small, tasty, perceptible bits on a cutting board, using a rocking motion with invariably a pinch of salt for a savory use, or a pinch of sugar for cookies, baking, etc. The sugar and salt absorb the oils from the zest. I use a microplane on occasion, too, but for certain uses, I prefer the traditional pull zester. I'm not alone, by the way. Look at the cover of Melissa Clark's most recent book, which has a photo of her using one. I discussed it with her last fall, and she agrees that different uses of zest require different tools. ;o)
jilly2 2. May 30, 2012
Okay...now I'm really curious: what is AJ's method for getting citrus zest without a zester?
Bevi January 12, 2012
AJ, I made these last week when I had access to a lovely Meyer lemon tree. I used the double bamboo stick kebob method to make turning the kebobs easier, as I chose to make on the grill. I also subbed an orange since we had no limes. Nor a zester, so I used your method for cutting zest. We served with steamed artichokes and we did not bother to de-choke them. Depending on the degree of doneness one likes in an artichoke, if they are put on the first thing, 45 minutes on the outside. We had a nice green salad and used Boston lettuce, which went nicely with the shrimp. I also made sdebrango's haricots verts minus the pancetta and cherry tomatoes - very nice. Everything was very on the fly.
bugbitten January 12, 2012
Too late! I've already made two dresses. AntoniaJames, since the oven's on at 450, how about oven fries or some roasted veggies?
SKK January 12, 2012
Steamed green beans with garlic basil dressing from Shirley Corriher. They can be served warm or at room temperature.

Garlic-Basil Dressing - pg. 331 Cookwise
1 clove garlic
1 shallot
2 tbsp. water
11/2 tsp salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp sugar
3/4 cup canola, corn or vegetable oil (Olive oil doesn't work as well in my opnion)
15 fresh basil leaves
Make your dressing in your food processor and then add basil leaves at end and process.

I make double of this dressing because it is so good in other salads.

Hope this helps!
Make your dress
SKK January 12, 2012
Please, please can we have edit function back? Forget the last line 'make your dress' .
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