A question about a recipe: Pickled Ramps

What is ramp?

mari florence
Pickled Ramps
Recipe question for: Pickled Ramps


Maedl March 5, 2012
Ramps grow wild in the woods and are one of the early spring plants to push above ground. they have a close European relative, that according to farmers' stories, hungry bears seek out for their first post-hibernation meal.

Ramps are a spring tonic, make divine pesto and soup. find them in farmers markets--or in the woods. But don't confuse them with lilies of the valley, which they resemble.
sstiavetti March 5, 2012
Ramps are essentially wild leeks - they go in and out of season very quickly this time of year, so grab them if you see them!

brandon March 5, 2012
It is a member of the alium family with a flavor that is similar to spring onion and garlic mixed together. Its also got a mild sort of a gingery chili pepper zing
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