Mexican Chocolate Baked French Toast

Butter is noted in step one of the recipe, but there is no mention of it (or quantity of it) in the ingredient list. Can you clarify?



Starfilledmac March 12, 2012
foidivin March 12, 2012
Can u post the recipe cause it sounds delish!
Starfilledmac March 12, 2012
Thanks! It was more of a quantity question, so 1-2 tbls sounds about right to me as well.
sdebrango March 12, 2012
I looked at the recipe, and see that you add the butter after you have melted the chocolate in the coffee and at the same time as the sugars. First thought is to try to contact susan g by sending her a direct message, if you are in the process of making this and need to know immediately I would just wing it, if I were making this I would add 1 or 2 tbs of butter.
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