Food52ers in New York City

For want of a better place to put this, I would LOVE to meet some food52ers in late June when I visit New York. If you would like to meet up for a coffee or show me some foodie sites, I would be thrilled. Please send me a message, thanks

Kitchen Butterfly


Panfusine April 13, 2012
I'll volunteer for helping out with the details..
Panfusine April 13, 2012
I'll volunteer for helping out with the details..
sdebrango April 12, 2012
Just in case of rain or bad weather we should have a plan B. What time is everyone thinking? 1 or 2 PM Sunday June 24th? We will also need to make sure we have paper plates, cups, utensils if its going to be pot luck. Is someone going to organize the details?
Panfusine April 12, 2012
Madison Square park opposite Eataly (Madison & 23'rd) on Sunday June 24 then?? Sounds Awesome, Really hope the Food52 folk will be there as well.. the credit for building this sharing, caring bunch of cooks is all due to you!..
Lets decide on dishes that we'll bring , keeping in mind that it will be summer weather ..

on a crazier note, lets have a contest theme around what we bring in & have the KB, the guest of honor taste & decide on community picks on the spot! -- picnic foods that can withstand the summer heat!
Sagegreen April 12, 2012
I would absolutely come in from western Mass. to hook up; late June would be wonderful!!!!
Panfusine April 12, 2012
Fabulous!, wd be great to meet you in Person!
Peter April 12, 2012
If drunk discreetly, wine can be enjoyed in Madison Square Park. Decant the wine into a thermos or water bottle in advance. Drink out of paper cups, etc.
Panfusine April 12, 2012
I think we can have PLENTY of giggly raucous fun even w/o the booze..!!!
Devangi R. April 12, 2012
I think so we cannot have wine in highline park..and I agree with peter..we would draw lot of attention..but any place is fine with me...monday sounds fine with me...just lemme know which recipe of mine you all want to try and I would love to bring it...@panfusine - we can have wine at lot of places or parks in NYC..
@ everyone else - I am excited! to meet you all in person...
sdebrango April 12, 2012
I used to be the Brooklyn Pug Meet-up organizer for 3 years. Meet-up is amazing I am still active in the NYC Pug Meet-up. YAY! I can't wait for June to get here.
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Well, the first time I came across mee-up was on food52, there used to be the map app with pins and I always felt so excluded....because I could see all these meetups happening in the States but I had no one to meet up with (then I lived in The NEtherlands).

So the word struck a chord, and stayed put....and now I finally get to 'meet-up'...Yay.

And yes, its amazing how connected everything is. So the meet-up is underway. I can't stop saying it.

sdebrango April 12, 2012
So it's Sunday June 24th, should I mark my calendar. What time is good. Oh, KB and everyone I am so looking forwarding to meeting you all and seeing others that I haven't seen in a while. This is a wonderful idea and will be so much fun.
Peter April 12, 2012
(As an aside, I think it's ironic that you're using the word "meetup" to describe this event as I worked at for 3 years as their head of Product. It's nice to see the website coined a new generic verb/noun.)
sdebrango April 12, 2012
I can do either Sunday or Monday and 2PM sounds great to me, Peter, would love to meet you and wish it were Monday would love the opportunity to meet some of the food52 staff. I agree about High Line with the crowd we would attract the park police. Madison Square Park is perfect and how wonderful to be across from Eataly for excellent provisions.
Peter April 12, 2012
If Food52 staff are allowed to crash, I'm in. I'm good with either Sunday or Monday.

I'm not sure if you've chosen a location but you could do the High Line and get picnic treats from the Chelsea Market food hall... though I suspect that a large gathering on the High Line would draw the Park Police -- it's a very narrow space and there's also not a lot of shade.

Alternatively, you could use Madison Square Park and use Eataly across the street for provisions. There's plenty of shade here. This location has the added bonus of being just a few blocks from Food52 HQ which means if you did it on a Monday you might get to meet 2 or 3 or 5 or 8 of the staff members. ;-)
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
So we've settled on a day - Sunday. And we could do it earlier. I'm totally flexible on this one.

And of course, food52 staff have supreme crashing in rights. Y'all are the reason why I even get to plan an awesome meetup like this!!!!!!!!

Saying that, Amanda and I did already exchange messages, about a likely Friday morning meet up and coffee at F52's HQ! It could all be meshed into one but I would love to see you guys in your 'habitat'
sdebrango April 12, 2012
Sunday is fine for me, but any day depends on the time, I have to give my dog his insulin between 4-5PM every day. If it's earlier I can come.
mrslarkin April 12, 2012
Darn. forgot I'll be in Florida at son's baseball tournament that week. Have a great visit KB!
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
I'm flexible - Sunday would be good for me only plans are meeting my foodie friends and all the other stuff people want to do in NY - eat! Momofuku, capuccino, blueberry muffins.... and hotdogs :-)

Seriously, Sunday would be fine. Whaddya think?
Panfusine April 12, 2012
Sunday wd be great, then more F52ers wd be able to join..
ChefJune April 12, 2012
Sunday would work much better for me.
Meatballs&Milkshakes April 12, 2012
And also, the park police are sometimes very strict about drinking in the parks....just depends if you're lucky that day....
Meatballs&Milkshakes April 12, 2012
Looks like it works for me too, although later is better for me....but I can take off work if I need to!
wssmom April 12, 2012
Monday June 25 works for me! I'll bring whatever, plus some pinot grigio and/or punch type stuff
Panfusine April 12, 2012
Works for me as well.. I'll bring in some Carrot Halwa Blondie bars.. and some savory munchies.. (Are we allowed to quaff wine in a public place in NYC??)
aargersi April 12, 2012
WAHH I wanna go! KB - please put Texas on your To Visit list as well ... we can for sure gather up some folks and potluck!!!
aargersi April 12, 2012
ps - do I even need to mention that there had better be some photos forthcoming? :-)
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Sounds good aargersi. My heart is warm. I'm actually flying through Houston but figure I will be bushed after a week in Utah climbing mountains (not fun....but work!)! But my wish list is lengthening, I have to try Texas Texas so on my list. Promise.
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Overwhelmed and thrilled....really pleased. So, I'll be in NYC from the Thursday, 21st to Thursday, 28th. Is a Monday a good day for travel in NYC? If so, then can we make Monday, 25th June, 2012? And time? After the worst of the afternoon sun - say 2pm? Is this a realistic time? I have NO idea what obtains in NY far as I'm concerned it is a planet.....a special planet and I am SUPER excited. Oh, you cant imagine! Lots of love ???
ChefJune April 12, 2012
I'll be at work on Monday afternoon. Some of us have to do that.... :(
drbabs April 11, 2012
Ok, it looks like we have a big group to meet you, kb! Can we set a date? Time and place?
Panfusine April 11, 2012
Cool, really looking fwd to this event. KB, Please pick the date/time, & the rest of us will settle upon a place & decide what to bring for the potluck picnic..
Bevi April 11, 2012
My kids live in Bklyn and I would love to meet you, KB, and you, Panfusine, and see my other buddies from the Metro Book Party! I will be sailing up from my niece's wedding on June 23rd and would absolutely hang around in NYC for a meet and greet!
Bevi April 11, 2012
My kids live in Bklyn and I would love to meet you, KB, and you, Panfusine, and see my other buddies from the Metro Book Party! I will be sailing up from my niece's wedding on June 23rd and would absolutely hang around in NYC for a meet and greet!
creamtea April 11, 2012
We may be in California, not sure yet, but keep me posted anyway, please!
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Will do cream tea. Thanks
mrslarkin April 11, 2012
How exciting, KB! Keep me posted - I might be able to sneak away for a meet-up.

The High Line is gorgeous - we were there last Wednesday on one of the most beautiful Spring days.
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Will do Mrs Larkin, would love to have some of your scones :-), hint hint!
Kitchen B. April 5, 2012
I have to say it again - I am so looking forward to seeing flesh. This is so exciting for me, a real treat. The countdown begins...and this means I'll no longer feel like I'm missing out on all the meet-ups and get togethers I read about! Thank you!
wssmom April 5, 2012
Oooh yes, yes, I can come in from Long Island!
drbabs April 11, 2012
want to carpool? i can come get you!
wssmom April 11, 2012
Monday at 8:15pm
ChefJune April 5, 2012
This makes about the 92nd food event happening in New York on Monday! YIKES! Adam Gopnik just won an IACP award for his book, "The Table Came First."
Panfusine April 5, 2012
wow, I'd LOVE to be there. any details about the date & time? Thanks!
Also, I don't know if anyone else is going or saw it, but Amanda Hesser is giving a talk at the 92nd St. Y next week with Padma Lakshmi....I'll be there!
Count me in! Would love to meet up with you all!
hardlikearmour April 5, 2012
I'm jealous! It sounds like a great time. I wish I could make it to NY in June :-(
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
Some day soon.....I would love to meet you.
Devangi R. April 5, 2012
I am also interested in meeting ya'all ...keep me in the loop..@ Kitchen Butterfly - hope you have energy to wait in a long queue for your visit to Carlos.. I used to live in Hoboken!
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
PistachD....what if I get there at the crack of dawn. I'm trying to see if I can fit in a class there.....and then meet Carlos. My kids would go off the top! But I'll prepare my mind....thanks and see you soon
Devangi R. April 12, 2012
KB - yes, you can reach early. By no means, I want to discourage you and I am just preparing you... haha..I have also waited many times...I am sure you will love hoboken a lot!
Anitalectric April 4, 2012
Are you planning to visit Brooklyn? I could go on forever about food you have to try! Keep me in the picnic loop ;)
Kitchen B. April 12, 2012
I'm planning to see ALL of NYC, well, as much as possible in a I can plan a return visit :-)
Kitchen B. April 4, 2012
I am super thrilled - thank you for ALL your responses. I am so looking forward to meeting you all! Unbelievable.
sdebrango April 4, 2012
This would be so much fun, I love the idea of a picnic near Eataly!
ChefJune April 4, 2012
I'd like to meet up, too. The park near Eleven Madison Park is a goodie, too. Or The High Line. That's really special.
Panfusine April 4, 2012
OOH, High line sounds FAB!, the Food Network folks can watch from their HQ!
sdebrango April 4, 2012
I agree the High Line would be fantastic! Chef June would love to meet you.
Kitchen B. April 4, 2012
Oh yes, Chef J.....I am so excited I'll finally get to meet some of my food52 'friends'. I am so thrilled.

Voted the Best Reply!

Panfusine April 4, 2012
YAAY.. Lets plan a lil potluck picnic for Kitchen Butterfly's visit!, casual, somewhere in central park or that park near Eataly.. it wd be awesome!
drbabs April 4, 2012
Great idea! That's kind of a busy time for me, but please keep me in the loop.
sdebrango April 4, 2012
Oh I would love to meet you, I am in brooklyn, a very short train ride to the city. Panfusine I would love to meet you also!
SKK April 4, 2012
I am jealous! When will you come to Seattle?
Kitchen B. April 4, 2012
SKK, its in the plan - I so want to meet you!
SKK April 4, 2012
There are a lot of us here who are looking forward to your arrival in Seattle! Looking forward to hearing your plans when you have them.
Kitchen B. April 4, 2012
Silly me SKK....I didn't make myself clear in all my excitement. I plan on coming to Seattle but won't be able to do it on this trip. :-(. I would have been away from home for 2 weeks by the time I'm done with NYC - the kids are already moaning..... and I havent left yet!
Panfusine April 4, 2012
I'd love to meet you in Person, DO let me know when you'll be in town & I'll come up to NYC from New Jersey
Kitchen B. April 4, 2012
Yay, I would LOVE to meet you. And I'm planning a pilgrimage to Hoboken....yes, you guessed right, to see Cake Boss!
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