Anyone know of any good recipes using fresh strawberries?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


pierino April 18, 2012
Similar to HalfPint's idea: use really expensive balsamico from Modena (you know, the $100 bottle), but don't macerate. Use an eye dropper to add it and finish with black pepper. At least that's how they would do it in Modena. Where I live now strawberries are the biggest cash crop with much of it being shipped to the east coast owing to the crazy weather back there.
lorigoldsby April 17, 2012
Just this evening I made lavender biscuits to go with strawberries. I used cake flour and then whole wheat (regular) flour instead of whole wheat pastry flour...lovely!
susan G. April 17, 2012
My dip is to have one bowl of sour cream, one bowl of brown sugar. Dip the strawberry in sour cream, then the brown sugar. Delicious. And the above suggestions for vanilla and other fruit choices are good. I don't know why two bowls tastes better than one, but I think so!
SeaJambon April 18, 2012
We do the same -- although have moved from sour cream to Greek yoghurt -- and EVERYONE loves it! Super easy; super quick and a total crowd pleaser.
HalfPint April 17, 2012
I like to serve them whole with a cream dip of 3 parts sour cream and 1 part sugar + a dash or two of vanilla extract. It's an incredibly easy and delicious dip. Don't limit the dipping to just strawberries, green grapes are fantastic with this dip as well.

The other thing I like to do with strawberries is to macerate them in a little balsamic vinegar, sugar, and a pinch of black pepper. Try it with the pepper, it works.
aargersi April 17, 2012
Search this site under recipes for "strawberries" there are TONS
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