Ice cream maker

Just bought an ice cream maker. Anyone have recipes/book recommendations?



pierino July 21, 2012
I'm not sure which model machine you have but I wrote this for my 1 1/2 quart Cuisinart I'm still trying to buy a second bowl to increase capacity.
Diana B. July 20, 2012
You might find this PBS blog entry on the history of ice cream interesting:
Sadassa_Ulna July 18, 2012
I made a coffee ice cream with rum from a recipe in Joy of Cooking that was everyone's favorite when I made four different frozen desserts (the others were Leibovitz' chocolate sorbet, my own watermelon sorbet, and a peanut butter gelato I found online).
I thought the coffee one was little on the sweet side so when I make it again I will reduce the amount of sugar. Enjoy your machine!
angiegeyser July 18, 2012
Thanks, I ordered both from Amazon!
Summer O. July 15, 2012
I'd also add to the list David Leibovitz's ice cream book. And I have always had success with Thomas Keller's ice cream base which can be found in the AdHoc at Home cookbook.
Ms. T. July 15, 2012
Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream at Home (book) will change your life! There are a few extra steps and ingredients in her recipes, but it's totally worth it. And if you do get her book, make sure to heed her advice about how long you need to keep the bowl of your ice cream maker in the freezer ahead of time--I learned the hard way that it's a little longer than for most ice cream recipes. I think all her extra ingredients change the freezing point a little to achieve a smoother texture. Have fun!
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