I need ideas for putting produce up for the winter, mostly plums, apples, and beets. Any ideas? @food52 @Food52Hotline



SeaJambon October 19, 2012
Exactly! Beets (with tops removed) and apples both keep well in a root cellar type environment (apples will also keep a surprisingly long time in the fridge -- learned that from a local apple farmer!). Plums can be made into jam, plum sauce (Chinese or otherwise), canned or frozen (remove pits). As an idea, a friend made a really lovely Plum and Cardamom jam this summer. Remember for any canning, use tested, approved recipes and follow them to the letter (Ball Canning Book is good; so is http://nchfp.uga.edu/
mainecook61 October 19, 2012
Beets will keep quite a while in a plastic bin in a cool humid cellar.
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