I've made this dish about 10 times now and continue to love it. One question: To avoid the ugly job of cleaning the cast iron skillet called for i...

...n the recipe I make this on a tinfoil covered cookie sheet. Unfortunately the maple syrup glaze that runs off the fish and onto the foil burns and makes a smoky, smelly mess. It's not an issue of clean-up (I throw the foil away) and it doesn't affect the fish, I just want to find a way to not make a smoky, smelly mess. Any ideas?

  • Posted by: Peter
  • December 12, 2012
Maple-Cardamom Glazed Salmon
Recipe question for: Maple-Cardamom Glazed Salmon


Peter December 12, 2012
Don't worry, photos of Charlie (with food of course) will be posted as often as I can get my act together. :-)
mrslarkin December 12, 2012
what? does this mean no more Charlie pictures???!!! that would be terribly upsetting.

Voted the Best Reply!

Peter December 12, 2012
Cynthia, as you probably know as such a regular here, my wife and I had a baby about a year ago (11 months and 1 day ago to be exact).

Since kids as adorable as Charlie don't come along all that often I decided to make him the #1 priority for the time being. With that in mind, I quietly handed off the majority of my Food52 responsibilities months ago.

Rest assured I'm still extremely involved. I'm literaly cc'ed on every email the tech team exchanges and I talk to Amanda and Merrill regularly... Heck. I saw Amanda and her family Sunday night. I ran into her kids and husband Monday morning. I saw her son this afternoon, will be at the Food52 Holiday Party at Amanda's apartment tomorrow evening, and have breakfast scheduled with Amanda and Merrill next week. If anything, I see them even *more* now.

Finally, that the site has gotten so much better as of late... and that nobody even noticed the stealth transition... and that my son is so darned delicious... all of that only confirms that I made the right decision. :-)
boulangere December 12, 2012
What do you mean, "While Peter no longer works for Food52?!?!"
darksideofthespoon December 12, 2012
Could you some how make this on a grill instead of in your oven?
HalfPint December 12, 2012
Have you tried sort of skipping step 2, in which the salmon is glazed? Cook it unglazed initially then brushing on the glaze at the end and cook for a few minutes or until the glaze warms up and bubbles slightly. I don't know if this would make it less flavorful, but it would mitigate the smokey smelly mess.
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