Hi, is anyone enjoying 'The Mind of a Chef" on PBS? I'm just catching on to it.

There are video slices available at pbs.org. I wish I had something to do with the production, but no.



catalinalacruz January 31, 2013
So glad you asked this! I knew nothing about it until I read your question. Just found it on PBS Spokane. Hope they have re-runs.
bugbitten January 31, 2013
In New York, I find it hard to find here, too. My thinking is that the program is what every program should be, a gift. Please take away the piece you need.
Diana B. January 31, 2013
Pierino, it's on Saturdays at 9:30 a.m, according to KQED's website: http://www.kqed.org/tv/programs/index.jsp?pgmid=21091
SKK January 31, 2013
You can watch videos of the show for free on line at PBS. http://video.pbs.org/program/mind-chef/
FutureChef January 31, 2013
Definitely! It's just like lucky peach only with audio/visual!
pierino January 31, 2013
One of my best friends recommended it to me but I still haven't been able to figure out when it air's here. I live halfway between LA and SF and at least for now my PBS access is KQED.
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