I am looking for some good oil free bread recipes -

My husband is on a strict plant based diet and I have had trouble dealing with the "no oil" restriction. It is hard to find bread that is oil free. I have tried some recipes but they are all so dense - do not rise much at all.

a Whole Foods Market Customer


SeaJambon February 8, 2013
I'm curious -- why does plant based preclude oil? Most common oils are derived from plants (olive; grapeseed; canola; corn...). I am, simply, curious. Does "plant based" mean whole plant (but somehow grains are okay?)
Lindsay-Jean H. February 8, 2013
Here are just a couple examples of oil-free bread recipes you can find on the site: http://food52.com/recipes/4003-savory-pumpkin-rosemary-bread and http://food52.com/recipes/4022-buttermilk-oatmeal-bread
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