key lime whiskey sour?

I brought home a bottle of key lime juice (from concentrate) from a recent trip to FL. I am thinking about making whiskey sours to go w/ St. Pat's dinner, subbing in key lime juice for lemon juice. Is this a good plan? Or a waste of key lime juice? Or a waste of Irish Whiskey? Would it be a one to one replacement?

  • Posted by: Randi
  • March 15, 2013


ZombieCupcake March 16, 2013
If its regular good ole Jameson I say go for it. Anything special I would say leave it neat and save the key lime for dessert.
Randi March 16, 2013
Thanks. I made a sample Sour tonight, and have decided against a big batch. The bottled key lime juice has a slightly bitter aftertaste, and it really stands out in the drink, not in a good way. Back to the drawing board.
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