Where can I buy green Almond

Hi Everybody,

I grew up eating Green Almond and since I came to USA I cant find any.. Can somebody please help me and tell me where can I buy them???? I live in Baltimore so I think it would be easier to buy them online but Where????
Thank you for your help

Best Regards,


  • Posted by: Imane
  • June 6, 2013


HalfPint June 7, 2013
Not sure about Baltimore, but in my area (San Francisco Bay Area), you would often find green almonds (when in season) at Middle Eastern markets. I think it also helps that I'm in a state that grows almonds. But you never know how resourceful store owners are in finding sources, especially if there is demand from their customers.
cookbookchick June 7, 2013
And thanks to you, Imane! It's always fun to explore a new ingredient, especially with some guidance from a cook who knows how to use it.
Imane June 7, 2013
Most welcom cookbookchock
Imane June 7, 2013
Cookbookchick, I just eat them as a snack dipped in some salt this is how we eat them in Lebanon. You can also slice them and add them in a green salad, you can use them as a little topping over a fish like tilapia or any fish you like just fry them a little but dont let them loose their crunchiness. The best way for me is as a snack or over a salad... I hope I was of a help.
sexyLAMBCHOPx June 7, 2013
cookbookchick - did you see this feature? http://food52.com/blog/6772-green-almonds-underage-and-misunderstood
cookbookchick June 7, 2013
I hadn't seen it before -- thanks, SLC! Very helpful!
cookbookchick June 7, 2013
Imane, what do you do with green almonds? I have seen them at Fairway in New York City but don't know how to eat them.
Imane June 7, 2013
Cookbookchick, I just eat them as a snack dipped in some salt this is how we eat them in Lebanon. You can also slice them and add them in a green salad, you can use them as a little topping over a fish like tilapia or any fish you like just fry them a little but dont let them loose their crunchiness. The best way for me is as a snack or over a salad... I hope I was of a help.
Imane June 7, 2013
If you add them to a salad dont add a different kind of nuts.. they have a very subtile delicate taste. Good luck
Imane June 6, 2013
Thank you soooooo much Trena.. I do appreciate your help a lot...

God Bless

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