Have you tried using Bulgarian yogurt in your butter recipe?

I have been researching yogurt. I think Bulgarian style yogurt is the best because there are no additives and is not strained which leaves the whey protein in.

Nancy Tossell


Nancy T. January 9, 2014
I haven't tried to make butter but I am interested. Thanks
alana_chernila January 9, 2014
Hi Nancy, Are you looking to make cultured butter? For straight (uncultured butter) there's no additional ingredient required beyond the cream. But yes, a but of Bulgarian yogurt should work to culture cream for butter. Just be sure that it's fresh and you like the way it tastes. Sour cream, kefir, or creme fraiche should work as well. I hope this helps!
Lindsay-Jean H. December 21, 2013
Are you asking about a specific recipe? Like this one for cultured butter? http://food52.com/recipes/16645-homemade-cultured-butter If so, you might want to consider sending a direct message to the recipe author by clicking the envelope on their profile page (http://food52.com/users/404-ashleyrodriguez).
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