I am confused by the divided oil since it doesn't say the proportions. Do I heat all 3 tablespoons? What remaining oil?

Lisa Z
  • Posted by: Lisa Z
  • March 26, 2014


Caroline W. March 26, 2014
Hi all! Sorry for that error -- guess I was too hopped up on delicious meat to write clearly. I re-edited the recipe, take a look! I just seared the beef in 1 tablespoon, tossed the asparagus in another, and saved the rest for the delicious sauce. Let me know how it turns out!
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 26, 2014
ugh, no edit option. I would just use enough oil to sear the beef, roast the asparagus and brown the shallots.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 26, 2014
oops 1 and 1/2 TBS for the steak and then the asparagus.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 26, 2014
Just a guess but since it says oil, divided - 1/2 TBS for steak and the rest for the asparagus. Of course you should use your cooking judgment when preparing each ingredient with the oil as needed. I have this recipe saved to try.
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