If I am making cupcake frosting that is just butter, sugar, and a little milk, do I need to keep the cupcakes refrigerate after I frost them?



KitchenLittle December 19, 2010
probably not, unless you live somewhere where it's hot.
campagnes December 19, 2010
I think they'll be just fine, as long as you keep it under 2-3 days (not due to your frosting going bad, but due to things beginning to dry out past that point).
cookfordays December 18, 2010
probably about 24 hours between frosting and eating? should i refrigerate them over night?
Nora December 18, 2010
I think not, but it could depend upon how long it is between frosting and consuming.
hardlikearmour December 18, 2010
Probably not. Generally there is enough sugar in the frosting to make it hygroscopic which prohibits bacterial growth. Eventually they would mold, but the should be eaten well before then!
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