How do I delete a recipe from my favorites?

EB Levine


Tasha September 2, 2014
No I don't have the option in the app on my iphone.
Tasha August 26, 2014
I don't have the option for favorites or anything like that. Are you guys using the app?
Susan W. August 26, 2014
I am using my smartphone, but the app is only for I phones. Can you not go to your profile where all of your collections and favorites are? On my phone, it's at the top right of my screen. I see my avatar and when I click it, it lets me go to my collections.
Susan W. August 26, 2014
Open the favorites so all of them show. Then click the red heart of anything that you want to unfavorite. Easy peasy. :)
aargersi August 26, 2014
I think you can just un-click from the "save" drop down menu
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