Has anyone tried making this in a NuWave oven instead of a crockpot? And if so what setting did you use?

  • Posted by: Joise
  • January 19, 2015


Susan W. January 20, 2015
I had a NuWave a couple of years ago. Unless they have changed dramatically, I don't think you could use it for this recipe. They aren't made for soups, stews or poaching. Everything cooks on a rack with dry heat circulating.

You could easily adapt it to a dutch oven either on the stovetop on a low simmer or in a low (275-300f) oven.
Lindsay-Jean H. January 20, 2015
Their website has a couple of recipes for whole turkeys that call for cooking them on the HI setting for 12 minutes a pound (http://www.nuwavecookingclub.com/asp/content/view_content.asp?pid=8485&condition=upload_date&category=poultry&keyword=&page=1&startpage=1&view_size=4&page_name=recipes.asp and http://www.nuwavecookingclub.com/asp/content/view_content.asp?pid=815&condition=upload_date&category=poultry&keyword=&page=2&startpage=1&view_size=4&page_name=recipes.asp) so that might work as a starting point for you to try.
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