You're favorite simple vinegrette recipe (that doesn't have a strong vinegar taste)?

Thank you in advance :)



threefresheggs January 31, 2015
Cider vinegar, walnut oil, minced shallot, whole grain Dijon, brown sugar, kosher salt ā€“ extra great on apple salad w/ candied nuts
LeBec F. January 31, 2015
I love your recipe, but i have a suggestion: I know everything has its reason, but I would urge you to keep sugar out of your salads. Heck, sugar is in everything else; let's keep our (healthy) salads sugar-free! Besides, you already have apples in it, and candied nuts. Try the same recipe w/just roasted nuts, and no brown sugar in the dressing. (Plse don't take offense; i rant against sugar everywhere.)
A riff on your salad that you might like:
add Madras curry powder to your dressing and toss it with sliced tart apples, Julienned beets, and sliced celery.(It's from our fav Burlington VT restnt, Penny Cluse.)
bamcnamara January 30, 2015
Thank you everyone!!! Happy weekend!!!!
cookbookchick January 29, 2015
(Note especially her suggestions in step2.)
cookbookchick January 29, 2015
I'm sort of obsessed with vinaigrette so thank you all for these recipes and suggestions. One of the best and most useful guides to vinaigrette success that I've ever found came from the Soups and Salads volume of a series called Great American Cooking Schools. This one is by Sandi Cooper. Here's what she has to say from my Gourmet recipe app where I copied it down.

1 fat garlic clove, mashed to a paste with about 1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
1 cup virgin olive oil
ā…“ cup white wine vinegar
1 teaspoon fresh thyme, or 1/2 tsp. dried
salt and feshly ground pepper, to taste
Add the garlic paste to the mustard and stir. Pour in the oil and whisk until the dressing has become quite thick. The mustard acts as an emulsifier in this dressing and not only thickens it, but makes it fairly stable, as well.

Now whisk in your vinegar, herbs, salt and pepper. Taste the dressing. If it tastes a bit oily, DON'T add vinegar; if it tastes a bit vinegary DON'T add oil. First add a bit more salt! Usually this brings everything together. Now taste for balance. You should not taste just garlic or just mustard. You should not really taste the oil or the vinegar, and the herbs should be just like perfume: heady and seductive, not overpowering and brazen. This is the essence of a perfect dressing to be used with lettuce, vegetables, fish, meat, pasta, rice or whatever the imagination devises.

To make the dressing thicker, add a beaten egg and which until thick. To make Roquefort Vinaigrette, add 1/2 cup crumbled Roquefort to 1 cup Vinaigrette, just before serving, and whisk gently. To make Avocado Vinaigrette, peel a ripe avocado, mash the flesh into a puree with a fork, add to 1 cup Vinaigrette, and whisk until smooth. Season with either 1/8 teaspoon Tabasco sauce or 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg.
LeBec F. January 30, 2015
cbc, that Salt tip is SOOO helpful!! thx so much!
cookbookchick January 30, 2015
You're welcome, LBF!
Susan W. January 31, 2015
I love this. The salt trick is so interesting.
LeBec F. January 29, 2015
b, different vinegars have different % acidity (see their labels) so in vinaigrettes, you have some choices: you can choose to use lower acidity vinegars, as are many of those mentioned here; and you can use less vinegar and more of another acid, like lemon juice, that is less strong; or use less vinegar altogether. I noticed the other day, as i was using up a bottle of Cane Vinegar (from the Philippines) in a Chicken Adobo, that cane vin. is only 4% acid-- very low.
petitbleu January 29, 2015
One garlic clove, microplaned or mashed to a paste, a heaping teaspoon Dijon mustard, pinch of salt, several grinds of black pepper, juice of one lemon, and olive oil (I never measure this--just add evoo until it's as tart as you want it). This is my absolute favorite salad dressing, and I love it because it's not vinegar-based. It has a really pleasant citrus flavor. You can even grate the rind of the lemon into the dressing if you like.
AntoniaJames January 29, 2015
Lemon juice + a touch of white wine or champagne vinegar, generous dollop of stoneground mustard, small dollop or honey or a teaspoon or so of maple syrup, salt, pepper, great tasting olive oil. Mmmmm. ;o)
Pegeen January 29, 2015
Maple syrup & Dijon mustard vinaigrette

Voted the Best Reply!

hardlikearmour January 29, 2015
I like half sherry vinegar and half lemon juice. 1 part acid to 3-4 parts oil (extra virgin olive oil +/- toasted nut oil). Salt, pepper, shallot/garlic/red onion to taste, +/- Dijon, +/- honey/sugar.
QueenSashy January 29, 2015
rice vinegar, olive oil and a touch of brown sugar....
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