When a recipe (British, typically) calls for caster sugar, under what circumstances is ordinary U.S. granulated sugar acceptable?

;o) Thank you so much.



Hilarybee February 11, 2015
I've found grinding evaporated cane juice, the unprocessed granulated sugar, is the closest thing you can get to castor sugar in a recipe.
dinner A. February 11, 2015
I think for some cakes and cookies with a particularly delicate texture, you might get slightly better results if you use superfine/caster sugar. It's really easy to grind granulated sugar into something like superfine with a food processor.
Monita February 10, 2015
You can also substitute castor sugar with superfine. But superfine and granulated are also a 1:1 substitution. Superfine is good to use in beverages when you want the sugar to be really dissolved. But in baking and cooking I would replace castor with granulated sugar
AntoniaJames February 10, 2015
Perfect. Thank you, Monita! ;o)
Monita February 10, 2015
You can always substitute granulated sugar when castor is called for. It's a 1:1 exchange
AntoniaJames February 10, 2015
Thank you, Monita. I've heard that in some baking recipes, one should use "super fine" granulated sugar. Is that simply not the case? Thanks again. ;o)
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