Any thoughts on cavatelli makers, any favorite brands?



hardlikearmour December 29, 2010
For what it's worth, Martha Stewart had chef Harold Dieterle & he made cavatelli. Here's the link she provides for the maker used on the show.
thirschfeld December 28, 2010
I like Rao's too
thirschfeld December 28, 2010
Mrslarkin I think they have stopped making the Beebo maker so I have been looking at others. Frankies Manual came wrapped under the Christmas tree so you know where this is going.
anyone December 28, 2010
Sorry, after reading mrslarkin I realized what you meant.
anyone December 28, 2010
I'm sure someone will tell you to make it yourself but I use this brand because I don't always feel like making pasta. or 1-800-homemade I find it in my local supermarket here in the pacific northwest
mrslarkin December 28, 2010
According to the Franks in The Frankies Spuntino Kitchen Companion and Cooking Manual, you need a BeeBo cavatelli maker, or equivalent. They also say to look for models with wooden rollers.
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