Learning international cuisines

Just FYI... How cool is this? I can think of a lot of people in the Food52 Community who would find this interesting:

A wonderful story from this week’s Splendid Table radio show about a new entrepreneurial initiative that engages immigrants with deep culinary knowledge of their country's techniques to teach others (right now, in the U.S.A.), from their own homes. http://www.splendidtable...

The initiative is called The League of Kitchens (leagueofkitchens.com)

  • Posted by: Pegeen
  • February 15, 2015


Pegeen February 16, 2015
Fun to read about everyone's experiences and insights. It just seems like such a great idea for building community. Hope they are able to keep it going.
luvcookbooks February 16, 2015
Informally, I have learned Dominican, Puerto Rican, and Indian dishes. Never got so much from books. So much of value in this idea! Thank you for sharing!
arcane54 February 15, 2015
I love this idea! We have a local incubator kitchen that assists people in launching food carts, products, and restaurants, but teaching small classes is another opportunity for some cross-cultural learning, eating and friendship.
Maedl February 15, 2015
It is a good idea and may generate some money for people who can use it.

On a more informal basis, I have cooked with refugees from Syria, Palestine, and Afghanistan. We have done some German foods as well as foods that these women made back home. It has gone very well and created a lot of opportunity to work together and get to know each other over a good meal.
cookbookchick February 15, 2015
Very interesting! Thanks, Pegeen.
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