Any suggestions for a cookbook with recipes my 5 year old will eat??

I have Deceptively Delicious and some have been a hit, but the pureeing/freezing is a pain to keep up on

  • Posted by: Kristen
  • April 2, 2015


nancy E. April 6, 2015
The "He''ll eat it when he gets hungry " Book of hard knocks.
Stephanie G. April 6, 2015
America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook, River Cottage Family Cookbook
mainesoul April 3, 2015
I raised my kids on eating what was served to the adults. On occasion, if I was making a spicy dish, I made a less spicy version at the same time. They are both great eaters and enjoy a wide variety of foods. There was never a problem if they ate at someone else's house. They enjoy cooking and are neither overweight or under weight.
ktr April 3, 2015
This is what we have done as well. There are definitely nights where I know what I'm making isn't "3 year old friendly" and on those nights my son gets either leftovers or oatmeal (with dates and yogurt - his favorite). We try really hard not to get frustrated on those nights (and there are quite a few) that he won't try anything. Our rule is that he needs to be polite and can ask to be excused from the table if he doesn't want to eat anything. It helped once we figured out that he tends to eat a ton earlier in the day and then just isn't hungry when we are eating dinner. So if I really want him to try something, I serve it at lunch and it normally goes over much better. We also need to remember that some foods just aren't appealing to most little kids - for instance, while I love sauer kraut, I would never expect my son to eat it.
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 3, 2015
Rachel Ray has many fine books targeted for kids - check them out.
sexyLAMBCHOPx April 3, 2015
Check out the column on this site, "Cooking for Clara". Great recipes for all.
luvcookbooks April 3, 2015
Have you looked at Mollie Katzen's children's cookbooks? We ate a lot from them when the kids were small. They could read the recipe in pictures and help. The food is simple and good. Fanny at chez pansies by Alice waters was also a good guide. I have other, more obscure children's cookbooks but don't know how available they are. Sl publishing does some good kids' cookbooks. I also love the Winnie the Pooh cookbook and the peanuts cookbook. Good luck! Get a baby sitter sometime so you can have grow up food!!
lisabu April 2, 2015
I raised my kids on "Fanny at Chez Panisse" by Alice Waters. Really delightful and the kids can cook the recipes too. No need to dumb it down for the kiddos!
lisabu April 2, 2015
I raised my kids on "Fanny at Chez Panisse" by Alice Waters. Really delightful and the kids can cook the recipes too. No need to dumb it down for the kiddos!
HalfPint April 2, 2015
I recommend cookbooks from Ree Drummond (The Pioneer Woman), Deb Perelman (Smitten Kitchen), Jaden Hair (Steamy Kitchen), and David Leite. While none of these focuses primarily on food for children, they all extensively test their recipes to come out right and taste fabulous every time.
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