Can this be made ahead and reheated the next day? Thanks, nt

  • Posted by: ntt2
  • August 13, 2015


Aliwaks August 13, 2015
It can be- just be very gentle when you reheat it, you don't want it to come to a boil just want it become very very warm. Let me know how it comes out.
702551 August 13, 2015
Yes. Generally speaking, soups, bisques and stews all taste better once the flavors have meld together, and usually taste better a couple of days after they have been cooked.

Plus, it's a great way to reduce your workload on the day you're serving it!

Just hold out any finishing ingredients like dairy (cream, milk) or garnishes such as fresh herbs. Add these right before serving and only to the portion that will be consumed immediately.

702551 August 13, 2015
Actually Step 5 of the recipe had your answer: "keeps for a few days in the fridge and a month or 2 in the freezer."
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