My pie crust slides down pan even with pie weights. Any advice?

Susan Jackiewicz


dymnyno November 25, 2015
Make the crust hang over the rim of the pie dish a bit. If you use your fingers or fork to make a pressed on design on the rim it will anchor the crust better.
Nancy November 25, 2015
Yes to above.
If you want to use the crust you've already baked, add the filling and a rim of new crust, patched to the old with water or beaten egg white, and bake.
Nancy November 25, 2015
by any chance is this a deep dish pie, and the sides are slumping....
Susan J. November 25, 2015
Nope, just a regular size pie tin, with a non-stick finish.
Nancy November 25, 2015
Well, I am partially stumped. It may be the non-stick finish which is contributing to the slumping or sliding. If you have time, energy etc to make another crust, use dymnyno suggestion for one that overlaps the pan and use the already made crust to make sugar cookies. Or just bake on top of this made crust and decorate pie top so flaws underneath don't show or don't show so much.
Nancy November 25, 2015
Forgot to ask - if you didn't chill your crust in the fridge before baking, do that next time - it helps the gluten relax and prevents (some) shrinking. Minimums vary - half or one hour, max overnight. see for more info:
Kenzi W. November 25, 2015
Do you mean that it shrunk in the oven after par baking?
Susan J. November 25, 2015
No, the sides are literally slumping into the base.
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