What have you done for your garden today?

I live in a mild part of California (where it's raining for the first time in five years) and this is a big time in the garden- weeding starting seeds and cuttings (including in place cuttings- great for a lot of herbs), some tree work, etc. But even in the coldest areas, this is the time to be planning, ordering and starting seeds etc. So what kind of things do people have going?

  • Posted by: Smaug
  • January 21, 2016


Valhalla January 21, 2016
I'm in the DC area, and I still have greens and roots alive! (albeit under multiple layers of row cover and plastic greenhouse covers)
My cedar raised beds are finally decaying, so as soon as the weather breaks I need to work on those and mulch my muddy paths.
I have inventoried and ordered seeds, but I think I am going to skip starting tomatoes and peppers under grow lights this year (too much disorder in my tiny house). I can get good transplants at my farmers' market. Once the coming snow melts, it will be just about time to direct-sow spring cool season plants like favas and peas.
Smaug January 21, 2016
Plants can certainly be messy. On the other hand-just had my first tomato (a stupice)come up, and after way too many years of gardening, at times professionally, it's still a thrill.
ktr January 21, 2016
Just enjoying that it isn't -20F. I've killed more plants in the last few years than I can even bear to count so I think I'm going to just give the local food co-op more business this summer and take a year (or a few) off from gardening.
SeasonToTaste January 21, 2016
In NC, starting seeds for cold crops (radishes, kale, spinach, chard, etc.) and putting transplants of these same crops in the ground under a row cover in hopes of an extra early March crop. It's a gamble, but it pays off most winters!
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