How do I warm up Buns for a restaurant?

Should I use a regular food warmer or one that is also a Cooker?
Would it warm up faster in the cooker warmer? Like in 5 minutes or less?

  • Posted by: Harry
  • May 19, 2016


scruz May 20, 2016
i think it depends on whether the buns are to be soft or crunchy. the microwave/wet paper towel method is great for freshening up soft ones but oven warming is the only way to get the crunchy ones heated and retain their crunch outers.
Foodie May 19, 2016
Is the bun already cooked? You can try microwaving the bun with a slightly moist paper towel over it to prevent dry and hard bread.
Harry May 19, 2016
Yes store bought brand, but I am warming many of them up.
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