My recipe requires simmering boneless chicken thighs for 30 minutes after browning. I'd rather finish them in the oven. How long and what temperatur

Chicken thighs



SMSF May 25, 2016
Assuming there's enough liquid to keep the chicken moist (not necessarily covered in liquid), I'd go with 325 degrees F for 25-30 minutes. Preheat your oven. After browning the chicken, add whatever liquid the recipe requires and bring to a boil, then pop it in the oven to finish cooking.
pierino May 25, 2016
Remember that whatever method you are using the technique is still a braise. You need to keep the liquid at a steady simmer. No two ovens are calibrated exactly equally. Doneness is determined by the internal temperature which for chicken should be 150F when probing the thigh meat.
Loretta May 25, 2016
Thank you. I didn't know how the two would equate.
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