Saffron article

Some of you might be interested in this article in the New York Times about the production of saffron in Afghanistan. (P.S. If you're in the market for saffron, I've bought Rumi saffron and found it to be a good product).

Diana B
  • Posted by: Diana B
  • August 10, 2016


Picholine August 13, 2016
Thanks, I found it interesting.
Maedl August 11, 2016
Thanks so much for posting. I am sure I would have missed it if you hadn’t. It’s an impressive article--hope for Afghanistan, improving the life of women there, and displacing opium production, all from a small US company established by veterans. It’s a fine example of how the foods on our plate can affect peoples’ lives halfway around the world.
pierino August 12, 2016
Adding on to Maedl's point, be aware that many tons of shrimp are shipped to the US from Thailand which uses slave labor. Walmart doesn't seem to care about stuff like this. Ask your fish monger where your fresh or frozen shrimp originate.
creamtea August 10, 2016
I found the article interesting. It takes a great deal of courage and work to start a business, let alone one in Afghanistan while facing so many hurdles. And to make it a business that does good for local people. Thanks for sharing.
Smaug August 10, 2016
More of a business article (boring) than cooking or horticulture, but it does remind me-if you want to grow saffron this year, be on top of your supplier; the bulbs (crocus sativus) tend to disappear as soon as they go on sale. Not difficult to grow if your climate permits, but they need to be hand harvested every day; the stigmas fade fast. Also, the flowers have a tendency to open on drizzly days; you really need to be on top of them then.

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dinner A. August 10, 2016
Many people interested in food (including me) are also interested in the social, political and economic contexts and effects of its production, as this article addresses. So perhaps boring to you but not to everyone here.
Smaug August 10, 2016
Naah, it's actually a good article, just not something I'm willing to spend much time on.
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