
Suggestions for an abundance of Poblano Peppers from my garden

  • Posted by: Nan
  • August 24, 2016


JessicaHansen August 24, 2016
Yes to large quantities of frozen rajas!! Roast, peel and seed the poblanos, saute with onions (and salt and butter), freeze, and then feel like a genius any time you are making tacos. I could eat rajas all day.
dinner A. August 24, 2016
If you want to use them now, poblanos taste really good with corn -- diced and sautéed with kernels and dressed with lime, salt, and maybe crumbled feta or cotija cheese, or added to corn chowder for example. I also really like slices of roasted poblanos mixed in with some beans like pinto or cranberry beans, along with a drizzle of olive oil, a bit of cilantro, and some lime.
I also agree with Smaug -- they keep well frozen. If you want to use them in larger pieces after thawing them, I think roasting them first will preserve a better texture than freezing them raw.
Smaug August 24, 2016
I've grown dozens of varieties of peppers over the years, and I can attest that ALL of them combine beautifully with corn.
Susan W. August 24, 2016
Mrs. Wheelbarrow has a wonderful roasted poblano and tomato salsa. I make a nice sized batch and freeze it, but I think her recipe calls for pressure canning it.

As Smaug says, freezing them is a good way to go. I fire roasted, sort of peeled (I like some black peels left on) and froze a bunch of Hatch chilies last year. Then over winter, I used them in chilies (especially good in a chicken or turkey chili with white beans) and Mexican type fun casseroles.

Let me know if you can't find the roasted salsa. I think I have it bookmarked on my Kindle.
Niknud August 25, 2016
I have made above mentioned roasted poblano and tomato salsa and I can verify that it is, indeed, delicious! I had frozen peppers from last year that I had already roasted and peeled (a good way to save them if you have too many) and it was fan-tas-tic!
Valhalla August 24, 2016
Look up one of my favorite dishes (available in google books): crusty chayote casserole. I find they can be so variable in heat!
702551 August 24, 2016
I suggest drying most of them. For the fresh one, you can stuff them or roast them. For the latter, I would use to make salsa.

Good luck.
Smaug August 24, 2016
They freeze very well, either whole or cleaned or roasted. Some people freeze Rajas, which is basically onions caramelized with strips of peeled Poblano peppers and is useful either as a condiment or an ingredient of innumerable dishes. If the climate permits where you live, let the peppers ripen to a deep red- they are absolutely delicious this way, either fresh or frozen, or can be dried- I've never been sure if the term "Ancho" is applied to the fresh, ripened peppers (which you never see for sale, it seems) or only to the dried ripened peppers- at any rate, the dried version is fundamental to all sorts of sauces, marinades, rubs etc. In the interest of further semantic confusion, Poblanos are referred to as Pasilla peppers in many parts of the country, although there is a separate variety known as Pasillla- a long, narrow brown colored chile.

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