Turkey Pot Pie- more or less

I am planning on making "sort of" turkey pot pie for dinner. Or more like turkey stew done pot pie style, served with biscuits. I love the flavors of pot pie but will forgo the crust this time around at least. So should I just serve with biscuits on the side or should I top the pot-pie-like filling and bake them both together? Latter seems like a nice presentation but will biscuits be soggy?



Niknud September 30, 2016
I highly recommend cooking with the biscuits on top. The bottom will be moist but not soggy - especially if your filling is hot (crucial to not having under-done, soggy biscuits). I heat up the filling on the stovetop and when it's bubbling, quickly drop the biscuit dough in and cook in a hot oven. I'm sticking the link to my recipe in here - I don't normally toot my own horn, but this one is good and talks about exactly your situation. Good luck! https://food52.com/recipes/38434-poor-me-chicken-and-biscuits
caninechef September 30, 2016
Thanks for input. Dinner worked out great with biscuits baked on the casserole. Just the very bottoms where a bit squishy. I love Tetrazzini also and make that sometimes also. I think I love casseroles because my mother never made them.
Nancy September 29, 2016
If you haven't already made your dinner...
Some people do the biscuits on top of the stew and if their bottoms get soggy at all (sometimes happens), people like it.
But if you or some of your guests don't like the soggy texture, bake the biscuits separately, then everyone's happy.
Some can eat them straight from the oven, some can dunk them.
kate September 29, 2016
I make pot pie this way all the time and i bake the biscuits right on top of the filling. I never have a problem with them being soggy.
sexyLAMBCHOPx September 29, 2016
I went to a dinner last night and the host served Chicken Tetrazzini. It was absolutely delicious and haven't had it since the 80's. I bet your Turkey & biscuits could do well with this recipe.

My opinion, with the potpie, is to it all and place the biscuits towards the end of cooking to crisp and warm up a bit if they are made in advance.
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