Best eating chocolate?

Looking for recommendations on the tastiest eat-it-straight-up dark chocolate.

  • Posted by: Mollyh
  • October 16, 2016


Rachel S. October 17, 2016
Ritual Chocolate ( is my new go-to eating chocolate. They received a 2016 Good Food Award for their Mid-Mountain blend and their 75% Belize single origin bars, though my favorite is their incredibly complex and deeply flavored single-origin Madagascar bar. They may be harder to find in stores depending on where you are, but they're SO worth ordering online.
dinner A. October 17, 2016
Bonnat (France) and Dandelion (San Francisco) make the best chocolate I've ever tasted. They both make quite a few different single-origin or blended bean chocolates, some of which I liked a lot more than others, but they were all very good. These are both quite expensive and somewhat hard to come by; my standby eating chocolate is Theo.
Jan W. October 17, 2016
Dandelion is also very good but they have very few stockists in the East and Midwest USA.
Stephanie G. October 17, 2016
I like Lindt and Equal Exchange. Also like Endangered Species and Chocolove.
Valhalla October 17, 2016
I like Theo, number one for its taste, but also because it does not contain emulsifiers. They just seem unnecessary, and if there is any chance they contribute to digestive problems I will avoid them just in case.
Lisa October 16, 2016
François Pralus. Any variety. Perfection.
Smaug October 16, 2016
Scharffen Berger (now owned by, I think
, Ghirardelli" is an excellent brand produced in the SF area (home of Guittard, makers of the best known chips). When I was young and foolish, lo these many years ago, I did a bunch of tasting and came up with Poulain, a French brand, as my overall favorite, but I don't know what they're up to nowadays.
Smaug October 16, 2016
Pardon the punctuation. STILL waiting for these guys to come up with an edit function.
Jan W. October 16, 2016
Scharffen Berger is owned by Hershey now - they closed both Scharffen Berger facilities in CA about 10 years ago and moved all production to their plant in Robinson, IL. It's still good quality chocolate but its not a standout in my opinion.
Smaug October 17, 2016
Hershey's, right- they swore when they were sold that the chocolate wouldn't change, sorry to hear that it evidently has.
Jan W. October 16, 2016
from USA: Guittard

from everywhere else: pretty much impossible to choose imho because there's so much variation, but I enjoy Claudio Corallo, Theo, Grenada Chocolate Company, and for your mass produced hypermarket stuff Ritter Sport.
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