Nduja ideas

Recently acquired a link of nduja. I want to incorporate it into our Christmas Eve oyster party. Already planning on using it as a player in the charcuterie board but I'd like to incorporate into oysters as well. Possibly a nduja mignonette for raw or some kind of nduja butter for grilled oysters. Ideas?

Tony S
  • Posted by: Tony S
  • December 11, 2016
  • 1 Comment

1 Comment

hardlikearmour December 12, 2016
I really like your nduja butter for grilled oysters idea. I think it's spicy, porky goodness tempered by butter and maybe with some lemon zest would be delicious for grilled oysters. You'll probably need to tinker with the ratio of butter:nduja -- I've seen a wide range of ratios ranging from 1:1 to 1:8. I think nduja's robust flavor might be overpowering for raw oysters.
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