when do you add choc chips to the Nekisia Davis' Olive Oil and Maple Granola



BerryBaby March 7, 2017
I make granola often. It's a long process of baking flipping baking flipping stirring to make sure it all gets nice and dry and crispy and I let it dry . After it's dry I add the dried fruit and chocolate chips (if I'm using them...I don't want them to melt so make sure the granola is fully cooled).
BerryBaby March 7, 2017
Oops! Here's what ny granola looks like.
sexyLAMBCHOPx March 7, 2017
I would have added it to step 2 with the other ingredients. Coconut chips instead of chocolate chips where it states coconut.
Nancy March 7, 2017
Are the chocolate chips your addition?
And, if you made this granola with them, how did it turn out (that is, would you make it again with them)?
PieceOfLayerCake March 1, 2017
Without seeing the recipe it's difficult to be conclusive, but I would imagine after the granola is cooked/baked, you would cool it completely, then toss the chocolate chips in.
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