Where does one find marzipan? I love it but am not familiar with it as a baking ingredient. I have seen almond paste in stores I think. IS there m...

...uch diference?



caninechef May 15, 2017
Thanks for the comments. I do plan to make this cake, not sure when, but based on comments I think I will just go with the almond paste.
JaniceB May 12, 2017
I made this cake yesterday and will likely use almond paste next time. Marzipan is has more sugar than paste and a smoother texture, but I'd wager that difference will be slight in this cake.
JaniceB May 12, 2017
I made this cake yesterday and will likely use almond paste next time. Marzipan is has more sugar than paste and a smoother texture, but I'd wager that difference will be slight in this cake.
PieceOfLayerCake May 10, 2017
You can make marzipan too. Google came up with a variety of options. There is a slight difference in flavor (marzipan is generally much sweeter), but I think in this application, almond paste should work. Marzipan if often used to cover cakes as one would fondant, and to make little edible figurines. So they are not interchangeable in those applications. But as a little nugget inside of a pastry, I think I might almost prefer the subtlety of almond paste?
HalfPint May 10, 2017
Here's a recipe for marzipan using almond paste, https://www.thespruce.com/marzipan-521098
702551 May 10, 2017
You can find marzipan at upscale grocery stores in major metropolitan areas, perhaps Whole Foods as well. Of course, you can find marzipan at Amazon.com.
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