If a bernaise sauce tastes "soapy", does that mean that you added too much tarragon??

  • Posted by: Lehnhoca
  • February 28, 2011


pierino February 28, 2011
Tarragon is not just tarragon, as there are different strains, some of which can be more aggresive in taste. I've heard of the soapy thing with cilantro but not with tarragon but it's not impossible. And I'll add that cilantro is not an acquired taste---it's absolutely genetic.
Greenstuff February 28, 2011
I've never heard of someone thinking of tarragon as "soapy," and I just looked through a few books, none of which mention it. I assume there's no chance you used cilantro by mistake?
boulangere February 28, 2011
Hmmmm. What a good question. Too much tarragon would likely just make it taste too tarragony, to coin a word. Did you use a stainless steel bowl? I apologize if this question is simplistic, but is there a chance there was soap residue in your bowl, on your whisk, on your hands?
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