What Vitamix or other blender do you prefer for most recepies you prepare?

maria church


Alyssa July 21, 2018
I have a Ninja (full-sized, not sure what model), and I find that I use the smaller single-serve cup just as often as I use the full-sized, 6-blade blender. I whip up pesto, peanut sauce, and smoothies with ease. I can whiz whole fruit with no liquid to make a fine puree. I've even made a pie crust in the big blender. It's a real workhorse, and so worth the money compared to other bargain-brands I've owned and tossed.
ktr July 19, 2018
We have my husband's grandmother's old Oster blender. It still works but we did upgrade to a blendtec several years ago because it was starting to leak around the bottom seal a bit. We've kept it as a back up though. I've burned out several cheap blenders. I don't think the new ones are made as well as the old blenders were.
Smaug July 19, 2018
I wonder how many people have tried any significant number of recipes with different blenders. I've never felt the need to replace my 1980's era, top of the line Osterizer, but I don't live on smoothies or make restaurant size batches of red enchilada sauce.
Nancy July 20, 2018
Right so maybe OP better off looking for comparison articles or ratings (e.g., by America's Test Kitchen or Consumer Reports).
702551 July 21, 2018
Funny, I have a White House cookbook (revised version copyright 1962) that has the chef posing with an Osterizer on the cover and proudly states that it features "White House blender recipes" (including Kennedy administration). I've never tried a single recipe from that book, it's just one of the curiosities on my bookshelf. It was a used paperback acquired for a buck way back when I still bought cookbooks.

In answer to the OP's question, I have cheapo Sunbeam blender. I didn't buy it, someone brought it to work and left it there (as well as the company). When our group moved, nobody else wanted the homeless appliance, so I took it home.

I only use it a couple of times a year but it gets the job done without any fancy bells or whistles.
BerryBaby July 19, 2018
I love all my Ninja's especially the mini processor.
Stephanie G. July 19, 2018
My Vitamix is over 13 years old...Super 5000 model. It still works great. I think the newer models are much prettier, however. I make nut butters, smoothies, dressings, soups, popover and crepe batter, grind flaxseeds and other dry ingredients, anything really!
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