First timer roasted chicken: my "roasting pan" options are a deep, wide glass casserole dish...

or a very very sturdy, thick baking sheet, with high edges. A little nervous about my first time and would appreciate feed back on best roasting pan option. Thanks!

Roasted Chicken
Recipe question for: Roasted Chicken


pierino March 13, 2011
Glad to hear it worked. Among the chefs I know---and I mean real chefs---there are few things more satisfying than roast chicken.
elizabethcl March 13, 2011
Thanks again, all, for the suggestions. It was a crowd-pleaser, but I think I can do better next time :)
elizabethcl March 12, 2011
HI yesplease, thanks so much for the suggestion-- we decided to spatchcock it and am going to use a bunch of the suggestions here, including ajams to mount it on celery. Next time I will try with the cooling rack/ baking pan combo. Thanks again everyone...will report back.
yesplease March 12, 2011
Did you decide to use a baking sheet? It'll turn out much better if you place a cooling rack between the sheet and the bird. It allows for some air circulation, which will give you a crispier crust! If you put down some parchment, you can throw it into a pot the next time you make gravy or stock.

Just want to throw in one more idea that really ups the flavor ante: mix together 2 parts kosher salt to 1 part freshly cracked black pepper and 1 part granulated garlic and rub the mixture below the skin and sprinkle the rest on top.
elizabethcl March 12, 2011
Thanks again!
Burnt O. March 12, 2011
Put them right in with the bird - toss them with a little olive oil first and salt and pepper them. Root veggies will be totally fine for the duration. If you add something softer - like asparagus - I'd wait for the last 20 minutes before adding them.
elizabethcl March 12, 2011
Thanks so much everyone! Burnt Offerings (or anyone), do you put the vegetables in at the same time as the chicken, or add in just about 30 minutes before the bird is done? It would be easiest to put them all in together of course but I don't want them to burn. Thanks again everyone...going to start getting it ready (it's almost 4pm in Spain :))
puresugar March 12, 2011
Good tips, all. You're going to be hooked on roast chicken! :) However you cook it, check the temp as you go. I have found that the meat's temp is the key, along with even cooking (spatchcocking helps this). For that size at 400°, I'd start checking after an hour & 10 minutes or so. I go for 160° in the breast (max 170° after a 10-15 min rest). I also, almost always, use a rack (metal or vegetable) in the pan, and have had good results in a cast iron skillet, All-Clad stnls roasting pan with 3" sides, 13x9x2" glass casseroles, dutch ovens, and baking sheets with 1/2" sides. My fave methods: Michael Ruhlman's (see his blog I think), Sara's (Saveur), and French Chicken in a Pot (Cook's Illustrated).
Burnt O. March 12, 2011
You'll be fine with either. You may want to line your glass dish or baking sheet with aluminum foil for easier cleanup. Sprinkle some carrots, potatoes and onions around the bird, and you'll have a whole dinner. Post a follow up and let us know how it came out. Good luck! You'll do great!
ajams March 12, 2011
Place sticks of celery under the chicken so the juices can run off. I have used crumpled up foil under the chicken as well.
elizabethcl March 12, 2011
Thanks for the feedback everyone! At the advice of other recipes, I was thinking of roasting at 400. The baking sheet edges are about 1 inch high and the chicken is about 4.2 pounds. Pierino, I'm definitely thinking of the spatchcocked approach for my second go-around.
mtlabor March 12, 2011
If the deep glass casserole dish can fit the whole chicken in it, then by all means, use that. Also, if you have a dutch oven, that works perfectly too. You can really use anything you'd like, the baking sheet would even work.
mrslarkin March 12, 2011
Hmmm...not sure. Do you happen to have a large cast iron skillet?? How high are the edges of the baking sheet? You need something that will keep the juices from spilling out. What temp are you roasting the bird at? I roast my chickens at high temp. (425 F)
pierino March 12, 2011
If that's all you have it will work fine. You might want to look up the technique for "spatchcocked" chicken which was discussed here. The key element is that you cut out the backbone and neck.
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