I used gingersnaps in a crust for pumpkin pie once and found that the crust overwhelmed - upstaged, really - the more delicate flavor of the pumpkin custard. For that reason, a milder spice or plain vanilla would be my alternative of choice. ;o)
Gingersnaps or graham crackers are great here! I agree with aagersi on finding thin gingersnaps like Annas Thins. I actually intended to use gingersnaps when creating the recipe, but the thicker varieties are hard to crush and got too tough / hard when baked. The thin kind are great, though! Also, in a pinch (or just to save time), a prepared graham cracker crust works great here; Oreo would be good too! My 9-year old daughter loves baking this pie in a prepared crust, so I always keep one on hand when a pumpkin pie craving strikes! : )
I would use gingersnaps without any hesitation. My other choice would be Biscoff cookies. I NEVER got the pumpkin chocolate thing. Gross! I like both flavors, just NOT together ;)
If wanting to use chocolate, I’d use Trader Joe’s chocolate cat cookies. If leaning toward vanilla or light spice, I’d use TJ’s alphabet cookies or a mild speculoos.
The cats and alphabet cookies are hard, needing a food processor to crush. They both work really well in crusts. Add a tablespoon of water after blitzing. ;o)
I personally would go with a ginger snap, the thin and crispy king like Nyancker or Annas Thins: https://www.worldmarket.com/product/nyakers-gingersnap-tin.do?mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=660&mrkgen=DSA&mrkgbflag=0&mrkgcat=&&acctid=21700000001660222&dskeywordid=39700054819217414&lid=39700054819217414&ds_s_kwgid=58700006053596931&device=t&network=g&matchtype=b&locationid=9028225&creative=440595673410&targetid=dsa-416957731138&campaignid=10253829293&adgroupid=103388559038&gclid=CjwKCAiAs92MBhAXEiwAXTi257FcclBNKUF46TZKf2Ok6D0RuluYbXVNvJ1AtTg4TQTJeWuhfyq2ixoCZeoQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
The cats and alphabet cookies are hard, needing a food processor to crush. They both work really well in crusts. Add a tablespoon of water after blitzing. ;o)
Any crunchy cookie would work though!