Can I cut & freeze ramps for future use?



AlexValich May 24, 2011
I just pickled a few I got from my mom's farm upstate. Trying a few flavor combos to see how they will turn out.
Panfusine May 17, 2011
Too late... The minute I got Peters response, I promptly dispatched them, all chopped up to the deep freeze!, But I can just imagine, picked!! just imagining it elicits a Pavlovian response! If I ever get a big batch, I'll probably pickle them Indian style with crushed mustard, cayenne & Sesame oil! Thanks for the lovely idea Anitaelectric!
Anitalectric May 17, 2011
You'd be better off pickling them. Pickled ramps are DIVINE. You can use your fave pickle recipe and just sub in the ramps. I like to cold pickle things (chill the brine before adding veggies) but last week I had some ramps that were hot pickled (in a mushroom reuben) and they were quite transformative.
Panfusine May 17, 2011
Thank you, this is wonderful... I just removed the slimy layer & plopped them into a mug of fresh water, just waiting for a response.
(it sounds like they're waiting to walk the last green mile... all cleaned up.. then WHACK!! )
Peter May 17, 2011
I accidentally semi-froze some ramps a few weeks ago when they sat too close to the freezer compartment of the mini-fridge here at the office.

Once washed and the outer slimy layer was removed from the bulbs they seemed fairly intact... but I decided to turn them into pesto since that wouldn't be affected if there was any affects from the freezing.
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