I've made a roasted red pepper "salsa". I left the seeds in to give it a spicy taste but it still is missing something. Would adding jalapenos be an acceptable adder? Or what spice might you suggest? Ingredients are; red peppers, green onions, canola oil, and sherry vinegar.



Alileaa July 12, 2022
Yes jalepenos (green prob best), and a bit of white vinegar.
the sherry vinegar will throw the flavor off what youre going for, (if of course you're going for fresh!). :)
Alileaa July 12, 2022
and use olive oil instead of canola
anyone October 3, 2010
A little bit of lime juice.
LoisonMaui October 3, 2010
Thank you for your suggestions. Off to the kitchen.

Sunchowder October 3, 2010
My favorite pepper is the Mexican Guajillo. You can take a whole one with seeds (dried) and zip it up in the blender. It adds a wonderful spicy flavor with a heat that hits the back of your tongue as opposed to Jalapenos which give that steady almost mouth-burning heat.
Christina W. October 3, 2010
If you're looking for depth of flavor, try any or all of the following: fresh chopped cilantro, tomatillos (will impart an "earthy" flavor), garlic, a little salt, a bit of fresh chopped basil.
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