Ratatouille Redux

Reading the recent ratatouille thread here gave me a hankering to stop talking about it and start eating it. I made my usual big batch yesterday, then realized my other eggplant eaters, i.e., kids aren't around and the husband doesn't like it. (I know. Please.) I'll give some away, but that still leaves more than I can eat by myself in the next couple of days.

So, has anyone ever frozen ratatouille? Does the eggplant's texture go gooey or spongy when defrosted? It's never lasted long enough around here for me to freeze it and find out before.



Droplet August 7, 2011
I have never frozen cooked eggplant, but I have tried freezing cubed raw eggplant in the past and the result was not good at all. It did get spongy, it darkened somewhat and the flavor seemed to have disappeared from it. You could sacrifice a bit and test it if you wish; the cooked one might behave differently. My father, however, makes larger bathes of it and cannes it in jars.The jars need to be sterilized and processed for 10 min in a water bath. It's ready to eat from the jar.
Greenstuff August 7, 2011
You can probably guess just what it will be like--softer and soupier. But plenty of people freeze ratatouille. You might want to do it in single-serving packages.
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