I'm going to start with just wheat. Skin therapist told me wheat isn't so good for skin, and milk.



hah August 15, 2011
Thanks, Syronai. I was referring only to people without a known disease, not someone like you. The OP didn't say that the therapist was talking about anyone else. A healthy person without food sensitivities--an omnivore--should be able to tolerate common foods. I can't tolerate milk; however, if I drink it, my skin is the last thing to suffer. My intestines are quite another story! :~)
beyondcelery August 15, 2011
@hah: you're quite right about keeping a food journal. That can be very helpful in determining what exactly is causing any odd skin reactions. I must beg to differ about wheat and milk affecting the skin. When I first discovered my allergy to gluten, it was mainly because I was trying to figure out why my hands were covered in profuse, painful eczema. Everyone has different reactions to gluten and dairy, of course. I just know that whenever I get gluten, the few days of flu-like symptoms are always immediately followed by eczema and acne breakouts. There are hundreds of documented reactions that people have had to gluten. Just as every person's body is different, every person's reactions are different.
susan G. August 15, 2011
hah mentions something so important I'll repeat it! Keeping a food journal -- what you eat, when, and possible reactions can be very instructive. Sometimes a skin reaction can occur days later, which might only show up as a recurring pattern. Also helpful might be: weather, emotional status, physical stresses, etc.
SKK August 14, 2011
I concur, Syronai's response is quite a positive education. sexyLambchopspx is right on!
sexyLAMBCHOPx August 14, 2011
@Jelly00 - did you see Syronai's response to your earlier post? Very helpful.
hah August 14, 2011
Study after study has shown that there are no foods which cause acne, breakouts, etc. Wheat and milk aren't good for skin? That's a new one.

Having said that, if you're convinced that a particular food is "bad" for your skin (lots of people think chocolate is a culprit), eliminate it from your diet. Reintroduce it later. Keep track--in writing--of the results. You're going to have to do this more than once, since one time could be coincidence.

Skin "therapists" are about as reliable as cosmetic counter people. I'm a big believer in science, such as double-blind studies on a good number of people. You might not agree, and that's the wonderful thing about humans--we're all so different.
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