any suggestions for what to do with very, very bitter arugula?



Maedl June 17, 2014
As Ct suggested, I would saute itin olive oil with onions, garlic and a bit of bacon. However, before sauteing, I would blanch it first--this helps reduce bitterness.
ChefJune June 17, 2014
Like the others, I would try sauteing it. Or, if you want it in a salad, blanch it for about 1 minute, then refresh in ice water and dry thoroughly.
CT I. June 17, 2014
I just harvested all of my "wild" arugula which was very bitter from the beginning. I hated to throw it away, it was so lovely - fresh and organic from my own garden! So I tried a few things and the one that worked was the combination of garlic, onion (saute them for a few minutes) then add the chopped up arugula and added a splash of rice wine vinegar (red or white wine vinegar would probably be fine too), salt & pepper, a touch of honey (I think this was the biggest helper in cutting the bitter taste) and some crushed red pepper. I sauteed for a few more minutes, then added a few pieces of fresh tomato and sauteed another few min. I couldn't believe I was eating the same arugula! I served this over/with some cauliflower mash and it was delish!! Hope this helps!!
hardlikearmour September 6, 2011
LOL, melissav... we must've been typing at the same time!
hardlikearmour September 6, 2011
You could use it in place of dandelion greens. I'm guessing it bolted, and typically I just yank it out of the garden at that point.
melissav September 6, 2011
Maybe try aagersi's dandelion salad recipe, substituting the arugula for the dandelion -
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