Help! All the recipes have my name on them!

On the page of recipes (by others) that I've saved, they ALL say submitted by boulangere. Not so! I'm desperately seeking aargersi, and since there's no Search field on the Cooks page, and the cooks I'm following is incomplete, I thought I'd find her among my recipes saved. aargersi, please phone home, or at least email me, if you can.



gingerroot October 15, 2011
Hi boulangere, I think her pickled onion recipe is a part of her Barbacoa Beef Cheek Taco recipe.
boulangere October 15, 2011
Thank you SO much, gingerroot!
boulangere October 15, 2011
Ok, found and saved. Twice. Hopefully soon it will show up on my saved recipes page. I need it by Monday morning.
gingerroot October 15, 2011
Yay! Glad you found it and saved it.
boulangere October 15, 2011
Well, I'm trying to save it. At least I have the name written on a real, live piece of paper.
drbabs October 15, 2011
I'll send her an email and tell her you're trying to reach her.
boulangere October 15, 2011
I love you, drbabs!
drbabs October 15, 2011
I love you, too, boulangere!
drbabs October 15, 2011
Is this what you're looking for?
boulangere October 15, 2011
Yep, that's it! Thank you so much!
Panfusine October 15, 2011
Same here.. I've save one recipe & it says added by panfusine...Its NOT one that I submitted.
inpatskitchen October 15, 2011
Can you pull up her recipe and then see her credit for it? Then maybe you can get her page....just guessing though
boulangere October 15, 2011
That's what I was trying to, IPK, but it's her recipe for pickled onions, and it was part of another recipe whose name I can't remember.
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