I've been away, and I have no idea how to use the new site! How do I put recipes on, enter contests and volunteer to test recipes?



Kristen M. October 24, 2011
Thanks so much drbabs! And MaryMaryCulinary, welcome back. Let us know if you run into any snags.
MaryMaryCulinary October 23, 2011
Thank you, drbabs! I found the giant orange 'submit a recipe' button right after I asked my questions, but will read this too. :)
drbabs October 23, 2011
Welcome back! Look at the top of the home page. You can put your cursor over each word and find the subcategories. As you probably figured out, Foodpickle is now Hotline. The contest page will take you to the current finalists where you can vote, and the current contest where you can enter recipes. Articles is where you find each blog entry in reverse chronological order--the opportunity for testing is there. Hope this helps! I strongly urge you to read this by Amanda so you can learn why they made these changes:
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