vegetarian tapas for spanish-themed date night?

I'm treating my significant other to a flamenco concert and thought I'd make us a spanish-themed meal beforehand. I'm a vegetarian (do eat dairy and eggs but no fish) and would love suggestions on what to include on a tapas/small-plates style table. Olives are not welcome (oil fine).



susan G. November 13, 2011
And a wonderful evening for you both, I'm sure!
Raquelita November 13, 2011
The final menu was:
Toasts with manchego cheese and quince marmalade
Arielleclementine's broccoli salad with almonds (I had to just toast regular ones) and smoked paprika
Patatas bravas (big hit! that sauce is dynamite)
Roasted marinated red peppers, eggplant, artichokes, capers, mushrooms, onions
Butter-seared saffron chickpeas
Gingerbread cake for dessert
hardlikearmour November 13, 2011
Yum! Sounds delicious. Great mix of dishes & love that you had gingerbread cake for dessert.
amysarah November 8, 2011
Catalan Romesco Sauce, slathered on grilled bread or vegetables - grilled whole scallions are a classic combination. Really good stuff.,0,5882211.story You could also serve some great Spanish cheeses - Manchego, Cabrales, Mahon, etc. - with some quince paste.
hardlikearmour November 8, 2011
What about adding some crunch with fried almonds or garbanzos?
Raquelita November 8, 2011
ok so to update (thanks for ideas so far--trying to keep it with local and seasonal ingredients as much as possible): Patatas Bravas, probably a mushroom dish, greens and garbanzos, this roasted broccoli dish:, quince marmalade (homemade!) and cheese on crackers or bread toasts. feels like these are all similar types of dishes texturally...any thoughts? a simple soup too? something with saffron? (before the tapas idea, i was going to do a saffron-scented pot pie, so I guess I'm still a little fixated); dessert may be fresh fruit and a simple spice cake with whipped cream (don't really mind going off-book for that one)
susan G. November 7, 2011
From "A Passion for Tapas" -- salted almonds, deep fried green chilis, sauteed garlic mushrooms, zucchini fritters with pine nut sauce, deep fried artichokes, marinated eggplants, pickled stuffed sweet peppers, salads including orange and fennel, potato wedges with shallots and rosemary. A few from "Spanish Kitchen" -- Russian salad ('found all over Spain'), avocado salad with gazpacho dressing, pan con tomate, coca (last 2 are pizza like, one thick, one thin). From FOOD52 --, and a marinated eggplant from vvvanessa. Have a wonderful evening!
susan G. November 7, 2011
From "A Passion for Tapas" -- salted almonds, deep fried green chilis, sauteed garlic mushrooms, zucchini fritters with pine nut sauce, deep fried artichokes, marinated eggplants, pickled stuffed sweet peppers, salads including orange and fennel, potato wedges with shallots and rosemary. A few from "Spanish Kitchen" -- Russian salad ('found all over Spain'), avocado salad with gazpacho dressing, pan con tomate, coca (last 2 are pizza like, one thick, one thin). From FOOD52 --, and a marinated eggplant from vvvanessa. Have a wonderful evening!
loubaby November 7, 2011
I have made this Catalan Guacamole with Grilled Ciabatta bread slices and it is a big hit.

Catalan Anchovy Guacamole With Grilled Bread
8 Servings
1 1/2 cups Guacamole

2 Garlic, chopped
2 Anchovie Fillets, Chopped
3 Tbl Parsley, Chopped
Pinch Kosher Salt
1 1/2 Tbl Olive Oil
1 Tbl Vinegar, Sherry Wine
1 Tbl Lemon Juice
3-4 Avocado, diced
1 Plum Tomato, Chopped
Country ciabatta bread
Olive Oil
Salt and Pepper
Place garlic, anchovies, parsley, and salt in small food processor;
process into a paste. Add the olive oil, vinegar, and lemon juice. .

Place the avocados in a bowl and, using a fork or potato masher, mash them until smooth.Stir in the tomato and the above dressing, then taste for seasoning, adding~more lemon juice as necessary. Let the spread stand for 15 to 20 minutes for the flavors to meld.

Meanwhile brush 1 side of each bread slice with a little olive oil; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Place on Hot grill and blacken on 1 side only. Serve room temp or hot off the grill with Guacamole.
pierino November 7, 2011
No olives and no boquerones is sure taking the fun out of date night. I'll add that white gazpacho with grapes was probably the original as it predates the arrival of the tomato from the New World. Tortilla espanola is excellent (try cooking it in a springform pan) and so is pan amb tomat---just bread rubbed with garlic and raw tomato.
yella November 7, 2011
What a lovely idea...!

I would say patatas bravas, tortilla espaƱola, and some cepas al ajillo (sauteed mushrooms). This is my go-to cepas recipe:

White gazpacho is also delish ( I remember seeing a recipe for it on the site somewhere)

Pan amb tomat is so simple but also so amazing
Helen's A. November 7, 2011
One of my favorites in green beans with pine nuts & smoked paprika. Basically you steam the green beans & set aside. In a saute pan that is large enough to hold the beans, heat olive oil & a little bit of finely diced onions. When softened, add a handful of pine nuts & a generous amount of smoked paprika. Stir in the beans & heat through. Serve hot or at room temperature.... Sorry for the imprecise amounts.
Anitalectric November 6, 2011
I second the patatas bravas.
healthierkitchen November 6, 2011
From this site, here's a spanish style "tortilla" :
skittle November 6, 2011
What a wonderful evening! How about an eggplant caponata? You could place it on top of of baguette or even eggs.
I definitely think any gazpacho would be wonderful too!
Greenstuff November 6, 2011
There are so many options! Our last tapas party, we had a trio of gazpachos (one green, one red, one white). Green beans and figs. Cocas (flatbread) with tomatoes, peppers, and onions. Eggplant salad. And definitely potatoes, as hardlikearmour mentioned--in our case it was tortilla espanola. Have a wonderful evening--and think about doing the same thing for a larger crowd. Dessert? We had a luscious fig ice cream.
hardlikearmour November 6, 2011
One of my favorite restaurants is Toro Bravo and Portland tapas place. They have lots of vegetarian options. Check out their menu for inspiration.
Off the top of my head I'd go with potatoes bravas. or a classic Spanish tortilla. Another simple but delicious tapas dish is manchego cheese with quince paste. Also garlic and tomato bread: Toast or broil some country bread, brush both sides the toast with a mix of olive oil and garlic paste, then rub the bread with a cut tomato, briefly toast again then serve. Easy, but everyone loves it.
Raquelita November 6, 2011
I'm working on quince paste right now! Lucky to live in a place where quince is in season and available right from the farmers. Great idea about checking out menus...thanks!
drbabs November 6, 2011
I did a FOOD52 search on vegetarian crostini for you and found this:

And here are vegetarian appetizers.
Not exactly traditional tapas, but I'm sure you can find a few things that will work for you. Have fun!
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